Figure Out Where You Stand. Then Move Forward.

Sometimes it’s tough to recognize the gaps in your own knowledge. One way to approach it is taking the time to look at your “toolkit”, which can help you determine what is (or isn’t) working for you. A common example is assessments -- what do you do when the standardized approach doesn’t work for your client? One alternative to standardized testing methods is dynamic assessment (DA). Learning to build your own DA will help you increase your cultural knowledge and add to your engagement skills. We’re here to help with informative tips, tricks, and the latest best practices, curated by the ASHA team for your convenience.

Have You Heard?

  • It’s all in the name: DA are true to their name: fluid, responsive, and focused on the test–teach–retest method.
  • Getting to know them: A DA seeks to identify the skills that an individual possesses as well as their learning potential.
  • Roll up your sleeves: Participants and examiners are much more active and involved in a DA than in a static assessment.
  • Set up for success: Using a Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) teaches individuals to be self-regulated and an active participant in their learning, ultimately helping them become more self-directed and independent learners.
  • It’s a good fit: DA are especially helpful for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
  • What to look for: There are two major outcomes to a DA: (1) helping to distinguish between a language difference and a language disorder; and (2) getting better information for planning intervention.
  • Know the difference: Individuals who can make significant changes in short-term MLEs are very likely to have language differences but not language disorders.
  • It makes you better: By exploring emerging skills through the DA process, you can improve your ability to pinpoint intervention goals, and make better plans.

Learn more about Dynamic Assessment now with our micro course featuring what is dynamic assessment, using mediated learning experiences, observing modifiability, and clinical decision making.

View Dynamic Assessment Micro Course